Remote Linux Process Hacking through SSH

[Samarth Kishor]


There’s this really cool process hacking series on YouTube by Keist Zenon. He uses the programming language Common Lisp to interact with processes on his Linux machine. I tried following the tutorial on my Mac, but macOS does not have the same ptrace commands and system call interfaces as Linux so this did not work out. However, I have VirtualBox set up on my Mac with a Debian VM which I use whenever I need Linux.

Here’s the idea: is it possible to hack processes on my Linux VM from Emacs on my Mac? I found out that it’s not only possible, but it’s actually surprisingly easy.

Configuring the Virtual Machine

First you’ll need to set up a Bridged Adapter on your VirtualBox VM to allow your host machine to connect to it via SSH. This YouTube tutorial was pretty helpful. You’ll just have to change how you enable the SSH service on your Linux VM—I’m on Debian so I had to run the command

systemctl status ssh | cat | grep active
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-03-13 18:24:14 EDT; 33s ago

to see if SSH was enabled.

To attach and manipulate this process, we need to use the ptrace function. You can see the documentation for it with the command man 2 ptrace (2 stands for the second section of the manual, since we want the C system call function for ptrace instead of the general UNIX command). We could use C for process hacking, but it’s a lot nicer to use an interactive language like Lisp. Plus, it’s possible to interact with a remote Lisp REPL from your host machine’s local Emacs instance through SSH. Common Lisp is pretty amazing—I don’t know if many other programming languages have these features.

Clone Keist’s GitHub repo to your VM to get his Common Lisp library for process hacking with ptrace. The code here is essentially the same as the tutorial, except you might have to remove the line that says

(:file "cl-ptrace/async-functions")

since that file doesn’t exist in the repo for some reason. Install your Common Lisp implementation of choice (I use sbcl since it’s well-supported on most platforms) and follow the instructions on the Quicklisp website to install Quicklisp. Quicklisp is the unofficial package manager for Common Lisp.

Once you’ve successfully installed Quicklisp, you need to set up a Lisp REPL on the remote VM so it can talk to your local Emacs editor. Quit out of your sbcl repl and run it as root. We need Lisp to run as root since the ptrace system calls need root access.

sudo sbcl

In his tutorial, Kaiste avoided this problem by running Emacs as root since he was hacking processes from the same machine. However, we don’t want to do this since running Emacs as root can be dangerous, plus we are trying to hack processes on our remote machine from our local (host) Emacs editor, so running Emacs locally as root wouldn’t really be useful.

Use Quicklisp to load/install ASDF and slynk, and then create a slynk server on port 4006. You can use the default port 4005 if it’s open.

(ql:quickload :asdf)
(ql:quickload :slynk)
(slynk:create-server :port 4006)

If you get stuck, follow the instructions in the SLY manual, but I think Quicklisp makes this process a bit easier.

Now fire up a new terminal and get your VM’s ip address. On Debian, the command is

hostname -I

After that, SSH into your VM from your host machine to create an SSH tunnel that we’ll take advantage of later.

ssh -L4006:localhost:4006 <username>@<ip-address>

Change 4006 to the port that slynk is using to run your Lisp server, and change the <username> and <ip-address> fields. Remember to run this command from your host machine, not the VM.

Once your SSH tunnel is set up, follow the instructions in section 8.1.3 of the SLY manual (linked above) to configure Emacs to translate filenames between the remote and host machines. Make sure you have TRAMP installed and working in Emacs. Now you can connect to your VM from your host machine’s Emacs using TRAMP. C-x C-f /ssh:<username>@<ip-address> should do the trick. Now you can navigate to the cl-ptrace repo.

The setup is pretty much over: now we can start hacking. Compile the spam.c file in the cl-ptrace repo on your VM into the executable spam and run it.

gcc spam.c -o spam

We want to get the process id (pid) of this spam program so we can interact with it. To do this, run the command

ps -a | grep spam | awk '{ print $1 }'

We can then display information about the process with top. You can get a nicer output by using the htop program.

top -p $PID

We can even limit the output of top to just get the CPU usage. The sed commands are just for making the output nicer.

top -p $PID -n 2 -b | grep Cpu | sed 's/\:/\: /' | sed 's/us,.*/ /'
%Cpu(s): 53.6
%Cpu(s): 100.0

Notice that the spam program is taking up over 90% of the CPU since it’s an infinite while loop in a single-threaded process.

Hacking in Emacs

Next, switch back to Emacs (on the host machine) and make sure you’re in the remote cl-ptrace repo via TRAMP. We want to connect to the remote Lisp server from Emacs, so run the command M-x sly-connect, keep the default host as localhost, and change the port to the slynk server port.

Now you have a local Lisp REPL that is connected to your VM via the SSH tunnel we created earlier. Load the file cl-ptrace.asd with the command M-x sly-load-file. The file is on the remote VM, but this isn’t a problem because TRAMP should be configured to handle the remote filenames (we did this earlier). This should load the file into the sly REPL. Then run (asdf:load-system "cl-ptrace") to load the cl-ptrace library into the REPL, and run (in-package :cl-ptrace) to start using the library.

Make sure that you’re root by running the function (am-i-root?). It should return T. Now you’ve successfully created a mechanism to hack remote processes from your local machine using Common Lisp and Emacs. Go ahead and follow along with the rest of Kaiste’s videos—they’re amazing.